
You have now got all the materials you need to build a session. The sessions tab is where we put them all together to make and publish your perfect event.

Each published session is available on the listing page for candidates to choose from.

The key elements involved are:

  • Booking and cancellation deadlines
  • Session Delivery Method
  • Selecting Tickets for the session
  • Selecting a Certificate for the session

When you want to add a new session in the future, all of your building blocks will be available, making creating a new session even faster.

Video Guide to Sessions

Creating a Session on Medtribe: A Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Access the "Sessions" Section

  • You can find the section:
    • After creating your event for the first time in the Educator section
    • Clicking "Manage Event" on an existing event in the Educator section

Step 2: Navigate to Sessions

Step 3: Create a session

  • Click "+ Create Session" to make a new session
  • Otherwise, click the existing session you would like to set-up or edit

Step 4: Times

  • Choose the start and end times of your session
  • Cancellation and booking deadlines can be customised
    • Otherwise, they default to:
      • Cancellation is possible until the session start time.
      • Booking is possible until the session end time.

Step 5: Select the Delivery Method

  • You can put in the physical location or online meeting link here
  • When a candidate has booked, this information will be available to them in the "Bookings" section
  • If you update the location or link, the attendee's "Bookings" section will reflect the updated changes

Step 6: Deciding maximum session capacity

  • Enter the total number of available spaces for your session
  • The system will determine the ticket availability based on this maximum number
  • You are always able to edit this number to add more spaces if you need to

Step 7: Choosing a Ticket

  • Choose or remove a Ticket by clicking the check-box on the left-hand side of the ticket.
    • The ticket will go blue when it is selected
    • The ticket will go grey when it is not selected
  • The system ensures that the overall capacity is not exceeded, even if individual tickets offer more spaces than the maximum capacity
  • For instance, with a maximum capacity of 10 and two tickets offering 10 spaces each, if one ticket reaches 10 bookings, both tickets will become unavailable, maintaining the capacity limit.

Step 8: Edit the ticket for this specific session

  • If you want to edit a ticket for a specific session, click the pencil button on the right of the ticket
  • This then allows you to edit the ticket quantity and booking options.
  • It does not change the original ticket template

Step 9: Allocating a Certificate template to the session

  • Toggle the certificate on
  • Select the certificate template you wish to link to this session
  • When sent to an attendee, the certificate will now automatically fill in the following:
    • Name of Attendee
    • Name of Event
    • Date and Time of the Session

Step 10: Survey completion triggering Certificate

  • You can make a survey being completed trigger the certificate becoming available for the attendee
  • Toggle this on and choose the survey you wish to link

Step 11: Publish your Session

  • Go to the top right of the session and click publish
  • If you have previously published the event, then this date becomes live on the listing page and is available to book

Step 12: Publish the Event

  • If it is the first time you have published a session for an event, then you need to also publish the overall event
  • Click "Actions" in the top right and then click "Publish"
  • This document goes into more detail about publishing your event


Sessions enable the organisation of live bookings by allowing the setting of timings, capacity, delivery method, and ticketing.

Certificate automation is also managed here.

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