Event Registration

Medtribe streamlines the event registration journey, offering an intuitive space for booking events, accessing details, resources, and communication, and obtaining certificates. This guide will walk you through the steps to book an event.

The listing page allows you to:

  • Read about the event
  • Select the date they want to join
  • Complete bookings
  • Make applications
  • Join a waitlist
  • Contact the event organiser before booking/applying
  • Share it with colleagues

The first time you register for an event, you will be prompted to complete a quick profile during the process.

You will need to access your email account to do this. This enables the organiser to send you emails, surveys, booking information, resources and certificates.

How to sign up for the first time on Medtribe: Sign Up

When you have booked, you will be able to find all the details in the My Bookings section.

You are also able to create and share events within Medtribe. Explore the "Educator" section of Medtribe to create your event and save time!

The Listing Page

The listing page is created by the organiser and shared with potential attendees. The listing page can be tailored by the organiser and may not include all the options detailed below.

See all the event details

  • You can read all the event details e.g. learning objectives and organiser policies.
    • When you complete your booking, you will need to agree to the organiser's policies.

Selecting a date

  • All published dates, that have not passed, will be available from the drop-down menu

Contact the Event Organiser

  • This allows someone who has not booked to send the organiser a message

Share the Event

  • You can share via:
    • The URL
    • WhatsApp
    • SMS
    • Email


  • Tickets allow you to see the number of spaces available and interact with the ticket
  • You can:
    • Book
    • Apply
      • And know the status of your application
    • Join a waitlist

Applying to Book

Organisers may want to review application information before allowing you to book a space at their event.

Step 1: Click "Apply to Book"

Step 2: Complete the tailored application form

  • You will receive an email about your application
  • The organiser will be notified

Step 3: The listing page will reflect the status of your application

  • Your application can be:
    • Under review
    • Rejected
      • The organiser may send a tailored reason why you have been rejected
    • Approved and changed to a "Book" or "Manage Booking" button
  • When your application status changes, you will be notified by the Medtribe system

Step 4: Your application has been approved

  • The next step depends on how the organiser sets up the event registration
    • If the organiser needs you to complete a booking form or make a payment, then you will have to go to the listing page and complete these steps before your booking is confirmed
    • If no further forms or payments are needed, the approved application automatically becomes a booking

Joining a Waitlist

If an event is full, you can join the waitlist to receive notifications when a space opens up.

The waitlist operates in two organiser-defined modes: 'first come, first served' where available spots are notified to the entire waitlist, or 'organiser notification' where the organiser sends out alerts.


  • Step 1: Click "Book"

  • Step 2: Complete any questions on the booking form, if requested by the organiser

  • Step 3: Agree to the event policies by checking the box

  • Step 4: Complete the Booking
    • If you are needed to make a payment, you will be prompted to do this and will need your card details available


Medtribe offers a seamless process for event registration, equipping you with the tools to explore events, secure dates, manage bookings, and interact with organisers.

Once registered, all event details are conveniently located in the "Bookings" section.

Additionally, those looking to host events can utilise the "Educator" section to create and disseminate their own events.

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