Creating Certificate Templates

You can create and automate certificates within Medtribe.

The event organiser determines when and to which attendee the certificate is sent.

How to set this up is explored here: sending certificates

This article guides you through creating your template and customising its variable components that the system automates.

Mandatory Components

Templates are required to have the following components

  • Attendee Name
  • Event Name
  • Event Date

Optional Components

Templates may have any of the following components

  • CPD Points
  • Session Lead
  • Event Organisation
  • Certifying Association
  • Certificate Issue Date

Video: How to create a certificate template

How to create a certificate template: a step-by-step guide

Step 1: Navigate to "Educator"

  • Click "Templates"

Step 2: Click "Create Template"

Step 3: Get started

  • Name your template (for internal reference)
  • Choose if you want your template landscape or portrait

Step 4: Upload your template background

  • This template should include all the details you want, except:
    • The attendee name
    • The event name
    • The event date/time
  • The template ideal image is:
    • A4 JPG or PNG
    • Maximum size is 3MB
  • Once uploaded, click "Save"

  • You will now have 3 moveable boxes available in the top left of the image

Step 5: Adjust these boxes within your certificate

  • You can adjust the size and position of the box
  • You can adjust the colour, size and font of the text within the box

Step 6: Preview what the certificate will look like

  • Press "Save" after making any adjustments
  • Click "Preview"
  • This will load a new webpage with a mock certificate
    • The system will automatically fill the boxes with random content to demo what it will look like when sent
  • You can also "Download" if you want to see what it looks like when downloaded

Step 7: After finishing, your template will be accessible for viewing and interaction.

  • Click the 3 verticle dots
  • This will open a drop-down list of options
    • Preview
    • Download Certificate
    • Edit
    • Delete
  • Once a template is used and sent to attendees, the options to edit and delete become unavailable.


Using templates, certificates can be automated and personalised by the Medtribe system, significantly simplifying the process.

No more writing in individual attendee names, dates or event names!

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