Managing bookings: "Attendees" tab

The "Attendees" tab serves as a central hub for managing everyone attending your event.

It allows you to oversee bookings, applications, and waitlists in one location.

Additionally, you can manage the attendance register, track certificate distribution, and send individual messages to attendees.

You can:

  • See the list of attendees, applications or waitlist names
    • Export these lists
  • Mark Attendance
  • Manually send surveys
  • Manually send certificates
  • Cancel bookings
  • Message an individual
  • Approve or reject applications
  • Notify users on the waitlist.

This guide gives you a brief overview of the "Attendees" tab. Detailed functions can be found in other guides.

To see more about the attendance register follow this link: Attendance

To see more about waitlists follow this link: Waitlists

To see more about applications follow this link: Applications

Video: How to navigate the "Attendees" section

How to navigate the "Attendees" section: a step-by-step guide

Step 1: Navigate to your event and go to "Attendees"

Step 2: Choose the Session

Step 3: List "Attendees" according to the ticket used

Step 4: You can filter the tables

  • Click the funnel next to the column to choose a filter option
  • Filtering is possible for:
    • Booking status
    • Attendance status
    • Survey completion status
    • Certificate issued status

Step 5: Export tables

  • Click export to download a CSV to your computer
  • Applying filters will alter the results exported.

Step 6: Manage an individual booking

  • Clicking on the 3 verticle dots will open a drop-down menu
  • You can:
    • View booking details
    • Mark Attendance
    • Issue the session certificate
    • Re-send the last survey sent to the candidate
    • Cancel the booking

Step 7: View booking details

  • This allows you to see the booking form response from this individual
  • See when they booked, and which ticket

Step 8: Two-way message exchange between the organiser and the individual attendee

  • Send messages to the individual attendee
  • See messages from the individual attendee
  • All messages are recorded for you to see at a later time


The "Attendees" tab streamlines event management by centralising control over bookings, applications, and waitlists.

Key functionalities include viewing and exporting lists, marking attendance, managing surveys and certificates, modifying bookings, and handling applications and waitlist notifications.

This overview highlights the tab's essential features, with details available in further guides for attendance, applications and waitlists.

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