Approving or Rejecting Applications

Application forms help the organiser gather important information from potential event attendees and decide if they can join the session.

How to create and implement an application form can be found in the following guides:

In this guide, we will show how to find applications and how you can approve or reject an applicant.

Upon approval of an application:

  • If no booking forms or payments are necessary, the booking is finalised, and the attendee receives a notification.
  • If a booking form or payment is required, the attendee is prompted to complete these steps before the booking is complete.

Upon rejection of an application:

  • You can give a reason to the applicant
  • The applicant gets notified of the rejection

Video: How to approve or reject an application for your session

How to approve or reject an application: a step-by-step guide

Step 1: Navigate to the applications section of the "Attendees" tab

  • Go to your event from the "Educator" tab
  • Go to the "Attendees" tab
  • Select "Applications"

Step 2: View the application to see responses

Step 3: Approve or Reject the Application

  • Applicants will receive a message informing them of your decision

  • When you reject an application, you can send a reason why to the applicant.

  • If the application is approved the following options are possible depending on the set-up of the ticket:
    • If no booking form or payment is needed, the approved application automatically changes to a "booking" and the applicant can be found on the "Attendees" table
    • If a payment or booking form is needed, the approved applicant needs to complete these steps before they are a completed "booking"

Step 4: Approving or Rejecting in bulk

  • You can approve or reject multiple applications by selecting multiple applications and clicking the "Actions" button


Application forms allow organisers to collect essential information from potential attendees and determine their eligibility for the session.

Approved applications lead to a completed booking, with or without the need for additional steps like forms or payments.

Rejected applicants are notified, with the option for organisers to provide a reason.

This streamlined approach ensures efficient and clear communication throughout the application process.

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