Creating Forms: Application and Booking Forms

Forms allow you to gather information from a potential event attendee during the booking process. They are an optional function.

The difference between booking and application forms:

  • Booking form
    • Information is captured during the booking process
    • Completing the booking does not require the organiser's approval
  • Application form
    • Information is captured during the application submission to the organiser
    • The organiser approves or rejects an applicant based on the information provided

Both forms are fully customisable with question types including:

  • Short Answer
  • Paragraph
  • Email
  • File Upload
  • Rating
  • Multi-Choice

These articles show you how to link your forms to your tickets and sessions

This article shows you how to view all the information gathered: Seeing the Results of Forms

This article shows you how to create templates.

Video explaining Forms on Medtribe

How can I create a form?

Let's go through how we can create a form. The process is the same for an application or booking form.

Step 1: Navigate to the chosen event from the "Educator" tab

  • Click "Manage Event"

Step 2: Navigate to the "Forms" tab

  • Choose which type of form you want to create

Step 3: Create a new form or use a template

  • The template can be customised for this event.
    • Editing the template will not change the template in other locations.

Step 4: Give the form a name

  • The name is not visible to the attendees
  • This is so the form can be identified when setting up tickets and sessions in other sections

Step 5: Add sections

  • Sections help you communicate to the person completing the form
  • They are optional

Step 6: Add questions

  • Add as many questions as you need
  • Select the question type
  • Add the question
  • Add a question description (optional)

Step 7: Check the box to make a question Mandatory

Step 8: Re-order questions and sections

  • Clicking and dragging the 8 dots on the left of the question will allow you to re-order the questions and sections

Step 9: Save the form

  • You can make the form available for other events by saving it as a template.

Step 10: Preview, Edit, Duplicate, Delete or view the responses associated with your form by clicking the 3 verticle dots on the right side

Step 11: Editing the form

  • If the form has not been used by an attendee to submit information, you will always be able to edit the form
  • If it has been used then the form can no longer be edited
    • In this situation, duplicate the form and edit it.
    • Make sure you then replace the old form with the new one in the ticket/sessions tabs.


Forms are designed to make gathering information simple.

Applications have the bonus of giving you the final say over who attends your event.

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