
Tickets represent your registration flows. Each ticket allows you to customise the booking experience for different types of attendees.

A Ticket is made up of some simple elements:

  • Ticket Name (Required)
  • Ticket Description
  • Default Ticket Quantity
  • Free or Paid (including Price)

You can also link the ticket to:

  • Booking form
  • Application form
  • Waitlist

Below is an example of how tickets in Medtribe allow you to customise the experience using the tickets 'Internal Candidate Ticket' and 'External Candidate Ticket' as examples.

Internal Candidate External Candidate
Ticket Cost Free £50
Quantity Unlimited 5 Spaces Only
Forms Required Booking form required Booking and Application Form Required
Waitlist Manual waitlist Automated Waitlist

You can set up your event tickets once, and then apply them across all your sessions.

This guide helps with allocating tickets to a session: Sessions

Video guide to Tickets:

Creating Tickets on Medtribe: A Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Access the "Ticket" Section

  • You can find the section:
    • After creating your event for the first time in the Educator section
    • Clicking "Manage Event" on an existing event in the Educator section

Step 2: Navigating to Tickets

  • Click "Tickets"
  • This space is where we can create and edit previously created tickets.
  • These tickets will be applied to the event within the sessions tab.
  • The tickets created here provide an easy-to-attach ticket, but can also be edited within the sessions tab for tailoring against individual dates.

Step 3: Create a Ticket

  • Click "Create Ticket"
  • This opens the screen below
  • Give your ticket a name. This is visible to the person booking.
  • The description is optional. It can be used to add more detail for the person who is booking.
  • Decide how many tickets are available. This number can be edited further in the session tab.

Step 4: Paid ticket

  • It will default to a free ticket
  • Payments via Stripe's online check-out system are available with Medtribe.
  • If you wish to have a paid ticket toggle "Paid Ticket" on.
  • This opens a calculator, which lets you set the price, see the Stripe fees and add any necessary taxes.
  • This article helps you set up your Stripe account.

Step 5: Linking forms

  • Link a form to your template ticket
  • Toggle the application/booking form and then select the form you want to link from the dropdown menu
  • This can be edited when setting up the session

Step 6: Waitlist

  • There are 2 options when a ticket is sold out on Medtribe
  • The default is "Express Interest"
    • When a space becomes available, everyone who has expressed interest will be notified
  • The other option is an organiser-controlled "manual waitlist"
    • Toggle the "Manual Waitlist" on to enable this
    • When a space becomes available, only those you notify will be made aware of the available space
  • This article covers waitlists in more detail: Waitlists

Step 7: Duplicate, Edit or Delete your ticket

  • Click on the 3 verticle dots to open these options
  • If the ticket is associated with bookings, then you are unable to delete it


Tickets help you to control the registration flows of your attendees.

Tickets help you establish the rules for each booking, from payment to which forms need to be completed.

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