Listing Page

An event listing page serves as a dedicated space to showcase event details, facilitate attendee registrations and provide essential information about the event, such as date, location, and description, in a concise and accessible format.

The listing page is made up of the following event sections:

The listing page is what is shared with your potential audience. Learn how to share events here.

The listing page allows potential attendees to:

  • Read about the event
  • Select the date they want to join
  • Complete bookings
  • Make applications
  • Join a waitlist
  • Contact the event organiser before booking/applying

Exploring the Listing Page

Selecting a date

  • All published dates, that have not passed, will be available from the drop-down menu

Interacting with a ticket

  • Tickets allow you to see the number of spaces available and interact with the ticket
  • You can:
    • Book
    • Apply
      • And know the status of your application
    • Join a waitlist

Contact the Event Organiser

  • This allows someone who has not booked to send the organiser a message

  • This message goes to the event organisers "Inbox"
    • Go to Educator
    • Then Inbox


The event listing page centralises event details and registration.

It's the main point of contact for potential attendees, enabling them to explore event information, book or apply, join waitlists, and reach out to organisers, streamlining the engagement and registration process.

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